
Hello! Welcome! Bien venidos!

Hello! I'm so glad you found me after I switched blog sites! Just kidding, If you're reading this, I can almost promise you that you're the only one. Welcome! Come on in, take your shoes off and have a seat on the porch swing! Can I get you a cold drink? 
So this is my blog, I'm still moving in, so I haven't unpacked yet. Maybe you can give me some advice on where to put things? Soon I will know how to put a picture riiiiiight...

...here, and then we'll REALLY be cooking with gas! For now you'll just have to draw it in your head; there's Pepper, the most beautiful dog in the world. She's a black Cocker Spaniel, as you can tell, and she's just the sweetest thing ever. See? She's wearing a tiny hat. And a pink tutu! That Pep, she's such a card. A JOKER! 
So that's what you can expect here. Pictures of a dog who's not yours, kind of like seeing vacation slides of a place you've never been. Or wanted to go. And pictures of quilts, and crafty projects, and anything else that happens to amuse me. And the occasional rant, I must admit. I'd like to say this journey will be nothing but sunbeams and happiness, but I didn't name it "And another thing!" for nothing. 
Oh! And when I figure out how to put some links in here, you'll be able to travel on to my Etsy shop, www.velvetdog76.Etsy.com. Can you guess who the velvet dog is? 
Thanks for stopping by, I hope I have everything put away soon.

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